Sunday, 1 January 2023

svlbrd - inland

" drone " ..

listen here


  1. Well, as we enter the dark days of winter, when it feels like time stands still and every day looks and feel the same (in North America anyway) this is the perfect soundtrack. And I love every bit of it (and by that I mean the weather as well as the music). It all makes for a very peaceful and soothing experience where one is allowed time to breathe and think (something that increasingly seems to become a luxury). Thank you once again for providing the perfect soundtrack for a meditative time and experience atombob!

    1. hi Dave, hope your well, happy new year and all that. Check out the drone stuff on faint records, some really nice stuff going on there. looking forward to updates on your mts playlist, you should send sections and i'll post them on the blog. and thanks for the comments on different albums, helps others and the blog so cheers for that
